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Although we believe that in-person learning directly from a teacher is the best way for students to learn, we understand that there are circumstances in which this may not always be possible. We have partnered with Blyth Online and, starting September 2023, will be offering a “Flexible Learning Option” to student-athletes and families that require it.

Student-Athlete Schedule

Student-athletes in this flexible learning model will participate in on-ice and strength as usual but will take their academic courses online through Blyth Online’s portal, allowing for student-athletes to work on their coursework off-campus and provide flexibility in their schedule. A dedicated Resource Support Teacher will communicate regularly with the student and family to ensure students are on track to complete the courses in the proper, pre-determined time allotment. Students are encouraged to participate in all school events and may be able to participate in field trips relevant to their coursework.


To be able to choose this “Flexible Learning Option,” families must demonstrate a need for this type of learning, as student-athletes taking this online learning approach must be disciplined and self-motivated to be successful. Tuition information can be found under the Tuition page on our website. To apply, please fill out the Application Form. If you require further information, please contact us at for more information on this program.